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Healing Points, a Dedicated Acupuncture Clinic, Now Taking Patients in Elm Grove

photo by: Emma Delk

Dr. Jen Fox demonstrates the holistic medicine practice of “ear seeding” at her new clinic, Healing Points Acupuncture, in Elm Grove.

Dr. Jen Fox aims to fill a hole in healthcare services in Wheeling with her new clinic, Healing Points Acupuncture, dedicated to acupuncture services.

Since opening her doors in June, Fox has provided acupuncture and other holistic medicine practices to treat a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain to anxiety, for Wheeling residents and beyond.

After receiving her doctorate in acupuncture, Fox set out to expand healthcare options in her hometown by opening her acupuncture practice in the Huls and Connection Chiropractic office at 242 Kruger St.

Fox outlined that acupuncture is a noninvasive form of treatment in which fine needles are inserted into the body at specific points to target “pathways going directly to the brain in the peripheral nervous system.”

“We have the central nervous system in our body, and the peripheral nervous system is everything that branches out from there,” Fox explained. “These nervous system pathways go directly to the brain and send signals to the brain to release chemicals, neurotransmitters and hormones that create a chain reaction of healing.”

Fox noted that acupuncture treatment differs from dry needling techniques in that acupuncture needles may not be placed in the spot in pain but at various “distal points” that are the “most effective at treating systemic issues all over the body.”

“If someone comes in with a headache, there are a few distal points I can use, no matter what kind of headache,” Fox described. “If someone has a dull or sharp headache, depending on the location of their pain, I’m using different points to target that pain.”

While this treatment can alleviate chronic physical pain, Fox added that targeting different distal points in the nervous system can also help treat conditions such as digestive problems, stress and anxiety.

“There are little to no side effects with acupuncture, and it’s an easy thing to do,” Fox noted. “It’s wonderful to integrate the practice with Western medicine and allow someone to see how activating their body’s natural healing can help them.”

The patients Fox treats range in age from toddlers to the elderly, with her noting she performs traditional Chinese massages on her clients below 14 as opposed to acupuncture.

Besides acupuncture, Fox offers other holistic healing practices including cupping. Fox explained that cupping is a practice where cups are applied to bare skin to encourage blood flow to certain areas of the body

“I had a patient come in, and they told me they hadn’t been able to move their hip in a year,” Fox recalled. “I did a cupping session on them, and then Dr. Terry (Huls) performed a chiropractic adjustment. The patient told me they could not remember the last time they’d been pain-free, but they were pain-free that weekend.”

In addition to acupuncture and cupping, Fox offers ear seeding. This involves applying small seeds or pellets to the external point of the ear that “corresponds to the area of complaint.”

At the end of each session, Fox performs an infrared therapy treatment, which involves applying an infrared lamp to body regions to aid in pain relief, relaxation and improve circulation. Fox explained that infrared light helps cells “regenerate or repair themselves by improving circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body.”

As she brings her holistic practices to the Wheeling area, Fox noted that her local patients unfamiliar with acupuncture have responded positively to the treatment.

“Research has proven the effectiveness of acupuncture, so I think that’s why many people are turning to it,” Fox said. “When they Google or do their research before they come in they’ll tell me, ‘I had no idea acupuncture can help with all these conditions.’ It’s great to spread awareness for acupuncture and other holistic medicine practices in the area.”

To book an appointment with Fox, call 304-830-2937 or schedule an appointment with her at www.HealingPointsAcu.com.


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