
Cross Walk Becoming Good Friday Tradition in Bellaire

photo by: Gage Vota

David Demarest, pastor at Rock Hill and Kirkwood Presbyterian churches, leads the Bellaire Area Clergy Association’s annual Good Friday Cross Walk.

BELLAIRE — On Friday, the Bellaire Area Clergy Association hosted its annual Good Friday Cross Walk around the village.

Ten Bellaire area churches put together the walk that has been an annual event for the past nine years. The procession walks through the entire village and starts and ends at the City Park’s gazebo. Attendees take turns volunteering to carry the cross around to each destination. At each stop around the village, different pastors from the 10 churches involved read the stations of the cross.

Pastor Bill Marinelli of Faith Fellowship Church was one of the organizers. While speaking of the importance of Easter he said, “It’s even more important than the birth, because the birth would’ve been senseless without the most important part. God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son.”

He also said that each year the attendance of the walk continues to grow.

“As we walk around to each one of these buildings, I want us to stop and remember to pray for them,” he added. “It’s not just Jesus who died for us the Christians, but he died for everybody. We’re praying that God does something for our cities, our schools, our administrators, and our students.”

He then asked attendees to shout out which church they go to, and it wasn’t just churches from the village that were mentioned but churches from all over the Belmont County area were named.

While walking to the first stop the attendees erupted into song, singing “Amazing Grace.” People of all ages attended, ranging from people pushing babies in strollers to senior citizens. Some of the people had been to all nine of the walks while others said this was their first time attending.

“Amen, we’re glad you’re here,” Marinelli said while talking to everyone in attendance at this year’s Good Friday Cross Walk.

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